Cold Havoc Continues, Know How Beneficial This Cold And Fog Is For Farmers

Cold Havoc Continues, Know How Beneficial This Cold And Fog Is For Farmers

The havoc of cold continues in North India including the capital Delhi. At all these places, fog is being seen during the day and the temperature is falling in the evening. But do you know that this cold is beneficial for farmers and some crops. Today we will tell you how this cold is beneficial for the farmers.

benefits to crops

Happiness is being seen on the faces of farmers in this cold weather. The direct reason for which is that the crops are getting benefits. Agriculture experts also say that apart from wheat, peas and mustard will benefit from the increase in cold and even if there is light drizzle, there will be no adverse effect on the crops. Farmers say that if there is no heavy rain, winter season is good for all Rabi crops. Due to increase in cold, the grain of wheat, pea and mustard increases and the product becomes better.

Farmers said that if the weather remains like this this month, there will be good yield. If there is light drizzle then there is no need for irrigation. However, the potato crop can be damaged due to frost. Farmers said that the crops get water in the form of dew, which will maintain moisture. Apart from this, due to low temperature, there are chances of good yield of crops like wheat, peas, mustard, lentils etc. Farmers said that if there is good dew, fog and cold, then the splitting of wheat and pea grains will be very good. The wheat crop will be very good.

harm to these vegetables

However, this cold has a bad effect on crops like tomato, brinjal, okra, cabbage, radish. Vegetable plants start turning black due to cold. But with some indigenous measures, farmers can save their crops from getting damaged due to cold. To avoid this, farmers can cover the plants with plastic sheets. Plants can also be saved by covering them with straw.

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